Kamis, 21 Januari 2016

Must See, World Best Auron Cosplay Costume

Must See, World Best Auron Cosplay Costume - For those who know Auron from Final Fantasy and love to have the chance to cosplaying it, You must , first, make Auron Cosplay Costume first, Secondly, study by web surfing, play the game and play the youtube about this character and finally, pay attention about detail.

Must See, World Best Auron Cosplay Costume

Auron Cosplay is consist of generally long red coat called Haori, pants, and some few accessories. some detail can be accessed trough this link.

 Auron is though look, a little bit cocky character in my opinion. He don't talk much. make you if want to imitate and cosplaying him have to able to hold you tongue. A type of macho man.

Below picture shows Best Auron Cosplay Costume that I have gathered. 

Auron Cosplay Costume Cosplay1

Cosplay1 Costume Auron FF

Man posing as Auron Final Fantasy X


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